Location | Pinewald-Keswick Road (Rt. 530), Bayville, NJ (5 mi SW of Toms River) | Variation: 13 West (2015) | Latitude: N 39°55.56' Longitude: W 74°17.73' | Elevation: 86 ft. / 26.2 m (surveyed) | Services | Hours of Operation: 0800-2000 APR-OCT, 0800-1700 NOV-MA | Facilities: Food: Vending Restroom: Available Phone:Yes Customs: Not Available | FBO Services: Ocean Aire is the full-service FBO offering aircraft maintenance, charter, flight instruction, avionics, fuel, management, sales, hangar rental, | Other Information | Traffic Patterns: Standard | TPA (Traffic Pattern Altitude: 1000 ft. (918 ft. adjusted) | Weather: AWOS-3PT at MJX (17 nm NE): 119.875 (732) 797-2542 | Fees: Hangar, parking, ramp, tiedown | Fuel: Available - 100LL, Jet A | Runwway Information | 06/24: 5949' x 100' - Asphalt (new) | 14/32: 3599' x 75' - Asphalt (good condition) | Helipad: H1 - 100' x 100' - Asphalt (good condition) with perimeter lights | Lighting | ACTIVATE MALSR RWY 06 REIL RWY 14, 32 & 24 PAPI RWY 14 & 32 HIRL RWY 06/24 MIRL RWY 14/32 - CTAF | Beacon | White-green (lighted land airport) - Operates sunset to sunrise | Navaids | VORTAC: CYN - Frequency: 113.4 ILS: I-MJX - Frequency: 109.9 | Communications | Frequencies: | CTAF: 122.7 UNICOM: 122.7 | McGuire APP: 126.475 McGuire DEP: 126.475 |