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Ocean County Government
Board of CommissionersDropdown arrow
Commissioner John P. Kelly
  Director John P. Kelly has been an Ocean County elected official since 1993. He was sworn into his 11th three-year term on the Board of Commissioners during the Board’s organization meeting Jan. 4, 2023. Read more

Ocean County
  Deputy Director Frank Sadeghi was sworn to his first three year term on the Ocean County Board of Commissioners during the Board’s reorganization meeting Jan. 3, 2024. A successful businessman and a long-time public servant, Commissioner Sadeghi brings years of leadership experience to the Board. Read more

Commissioner Virginia E. Haines
  Commissioner Virginia E. "Ginny" Haines, a lifelong resident of Ocean County, brings years of public service and leadership experience to the Board of Commissioners. She was sworn into her third three-year term on the Board during its organization meeting Jan. 4, 2023. Read more

Ocean County
  Commissioner Robert S. Arace was sworn into his first three-year term on the Ocean County Board of Commissioners during the Board’s 2025 organization meeting on Jan. 6. A lifelong resident of Ocean County, Commissioner Arace is deeply committed to fostering a vibrant, inclusive, and family-friendly community. Read more

Ocean County
  Commissioner Jennifier Bacchione was sworn to her first three-year term on the Ocean County Board of Commissioners during the Board’s Jan. 6, 2025 Organization Meeting. Read more

Michael J. Fiure, County Administrator
101 Hooper Ave. Admin Building
Toms River, NJ 08754
Phone: (732) 929-2147 | Email:

History | Contact the Commissioners | Meeting Dates | Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes | Budget Information | Audit Reports

Demographics & Data Book

aerial of Ocean County
The Planning Department is a liaison to the New Jersey State Data Center through which it regularly receives demographic and economic data. The Department is also a repository for all current reports prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau and the New Jersey Department of Labor.


The Ocean County Data Book includes the most currently available census, housing, development and economic data for Ocean County and its municipalities. Download the entire Data Book (24MB)

Census 2020 Redistricting Data Release:

The Census Bureau has just released the Census 2020 Redistricting data, which provides demographics from the nation to the census block level to show how our population has changed over the last decade. The data includes statistics on race and ethnicity, voting-age population, occupied and vacant housing units, and people living in group quarters. The Census will release more Census 2020 data through 2022, in addition to the detailed data collected by the American Community Survey.

The Ocean County Data Book has been updated with the latest Census 2020 data.

 Census 2020 Redistricting Data Summary Analysis
 Census Population Trends in Ocean County, 1930-2020
 Census Population Trends in New Jersey, 1930-2020
  Population by Race and Hispanic Origin by Municipality, 2010-2020
 Total and Occupied Housing Units by Municipality, 2010-2020

Overview and Regional Location Maps
Overview and Regional Location Maps

Population and Demographics
• Decennial Census Population Trends in New Jersey, 1930-2020 PDF | EXCEL
• Decennial Census Population Trends in Ocean County by Municipality PDF | EXCEL
• Annual Estimates of Population for Counties of NJ PDF | EXCEL
• Annual Population Estimates by Municipality PDF | EXCEL
• Population Density for Ocean County Municipalities PDF |EXCEL
• US Census 2010 Population Density in Ocean County (Map)  PDF
• Ocean County Population by Sex and Age Characteristics PDF | EXCEL
• Ancestry in Ocean County, by Municipality PDF | EXCEL
• Population by Race and Hispanic Origin, by Municipality PDF | EXCEL
• Changes in Marital Status PDF | EXCEL
• Household Income by Income Source PDF | EXCEL
• Per Capita Personal Income for New Jersey PDF | EXCEL
• Median Household, Family and Per Capita Income by Municipality PDF | EXCEL
• Poverty Status for Individuals and Families PDF | EXCEL
• Disability Status of the Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population PDF | EXCEL
• Educational Attainment by Municipality PDF | EXCEL
• Ocean County School Enrollment Comparison PDF | EXCEL
• Ocean County School Report Card PDF |EXCEL
• Ocean County Resident Students PDF | EXCEL

Housing and Development
• Residential Units Authorized by Building Permit by County in NJ (20 years) PDF | EXCEL
• Residential Units Authorized by Building Permit by Municipality in Ocean County (10 years) PDF | EXCEL
• Residential Units Authorized by Building Permit by Municipality in Ocean County (20 years) PDF | EXCEL
• Subdivisions and Site Plans Approved by the Ocean County Planning Board PDF | EXCEL
• Subdivisions and Site Plans - Final Approvals (Map) PDF
• Summary of Subdivisions and Site Plans Approved by the Ocean County Planning Board PDF | EXCEL
• Planned Adult Community Approvals in Ocean County PDF | EXCEL
• Adult Communities Constructed in Ocean County (List) PDF | EXCEL
• Adult Communities in Ocean County (Map) PDF
• Changes in Persons per Household PDF | EXCEL
• Number of Households by Persons in Household PDF | EXCEL
• Comparison of Total and Occupied Housing Units PDF | EXCEL
• Characteristics of Vacant Housing Units, including Seasonal Units PDF | EXCEL
• Housing Units by Number of Units in Structure and Year Built PDF | EXCEL
• Occupied Housing Units by Ownership Status and Number of Units in Structure PDF | EXCEL
• Number and Median Gross Rent of Renter-Occupied Units PDF | EXCEL
• Gross Rent as a Percentage of Household Income, Renter-Occupied Housing Units PDF | EXCEL
• Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units PDF | EXCEL
• House Heating Fuel and Other Utility Characteristics PDF | EXCEL
• Number of Parcels and Assessed Value by Land Classification PDF | EXCEL
• General Tax Rates in Ocean County, by Municipality PDF | EXCEL

Economic Development
Economic Development

Environmental Characteristics
Environmental Characteristics

Additional Information
Additional Information