Administrative GuidelinesThe review fees shall apply to each land subdivision or land development submitted to the Ocean County Planning Board for review in accordance with the New Jersey County and Regional Planning Enabling Act, Section 40:27-6.2 and 40:27-6.6. Excepted from this fee schedule will be plans submitted by State, County, and Municipal governments, churches, schools, and secular nonprofit institutions under 501(c)(3).
The fee must be submitted, with the standard submission package, to the Ocean County Department of Planning located at 129 Hooper Avenue, First Floor, Toms River, New Jersey.
Checks should be made payable to the Ocean County Treasurer (no cash will be accepted). Any fee submitted that is not consistent with the above fee schedule will prevent the 10-day administrative review period and subsequent 30-day technical review period from commencing. The initial administrative review period will begin when this Board receives the proper fee, the required number of signed and sealed sets of plans, the required number of signed and sealed supporting documents, and a completed Ocean County Development Review Checklist. In addition, any check returned due to insufficient funds will stop the review process which will not start again until the required fee is received.
If the County Planning Board fails to complete its review within the 10-day administrative review period and the 30-day statutory time period mandated by law, the fee will be returned to the applicant upon request. However, if the County Planning Board formally requests a time extension due to circumstances such as the inability of the OCPB to take formal action due to lack of quorum or a weather event causing meeting cancellations, the fee will not be returned. Application Fees will not be refunded if an application is withdrawn, is deemed incomplete, or if the scope of a project is reduced and additional fees apply for revisions and application extensions. The County fee will not be combined with any local municipal fee.
SPECIAL NOTE: All condominiums, townhouses, garden apartments, and cooperative structures and uses, without regard to form of ownership, shall be classified and reviewed under the condominium or cooperative corporate form of ownership. Fees for this type of ownership shall be computed under the Multi-Family Residential Site Plan Class.
Adopted by the Ocean County Board of Commissioners, August 21, 2024
Submission of Site Plan and Subdivison ApplicationsAll subdivisions of land within Ocean County shall be submitted to the Ocean County Planning Board for review, and where required, approval. Subdivision approval is required for those subdivisions that affect County road or drainage facilities.
All applications for site development, for change of use and for modification to site facilities of a commercial or industrial use located along a County road or affecting County drainage facilities shall be submitted to the Board for review and approval, except that site plan review shall not be required for one and two-family dwellings, or for permitted accessory uses incidental to one and two-family dwellings, or site plans for land development not along a County road that include less that one acre of impervious surfaces."
*Summary from the Ocean County Subdivision and Site Plan Resolution, Chapter 300.